South West Area PRA/PC Training Day
Entries are closed but we a running a waiting list for the day. Please email here if you would like to attend.
Full venue address –
Locketts Farm
Blandford Forum
DT11 0EZ
With thanks to Mike and Lucy Felton and family.
This training for pony racing can qualify the combination of pony and rider for Point-to-Point Pony Races and Pony Club Pony Race Days in 2021. It costs £30 per jockey/pony combination and includes ridden and non-ridden sessions.
We will run under current Government Guidelines for the prevention of Covid-19. As it stands, jockeys may be accompanied by only one parent/guardian. These adults will be asked to remain with their vehicle for the duration of the Training Day. Please be sure to bring all tack and refreshments with you. Full details and a tack list will be sent to you in advance and equipment may not be shared. Please be aware that timings may change.
All ponies MUST be microchipped AND be fully vaccinated against Equine Influenza with a booster in the last 12 months before the Training Day (please note that this booster must be more than 6 days before the Training Day which means that if you vaccinate on a Monday, you are not clear to attend a PRA event until the following Monday). Passports will be checked in advance of the day, please be sure to enter your pony using the registered name on their passport. Ponies (and jockeys) that do not comply will not be allowed to take part on the day.
Entries close 1 week before the day or when full. Spaces are strictly limited and early booking is advised.
For further information and with any questions, please email or telephone 07887 541571.
Jockeys without ponies, please see our Youth Training Scheme information.
The children will take part in a number of different sessions including both riding and non-riding exercises, teaching them about balance and fitness required for pony racing.
If all goes well and they are happy to do so, they will ride on the gallops. If the instructors are satisfied they are safe and in control of their pony, they will be qualified to ride in PRA and Pony Club pony races in 2021.
The day will be run under current Government Covid-19 guidelines which are subject to last minute change. These will be communicated to participants via email. Please see Entry Details for further information and contact details.