Secretary: Emma Davies
Tel: 07454 806935
Should sufficient entries be received one race may divide.
Ponies may not be led to the start. A hunt escort will be provided.
The above races form part of the “West Mercian Area” Riders Points Championship which is open to all riders riding in the WM Area.
The West Mercian Championship prizes are kindly sponsored by “TWEENHILLS” ( who also generously sponsor the rosettes and number cloths.
The Championship Prizes will be awarded at the Knutsford Races on 15th May. Please note that anyone riding at this meeting will gain extra points.
Please contact the secretary if you require a car pass / e-ticket.
With regard to balloting please note:
Should a ballot be required (if more than 10 entries are received), priority with be given to, in the following order:
1) First time Riders.
2) Those riders who have had the least number of runs
3) Those closest to the venue as per their PRA membership registered post code.
up to a maximum of 10 entries with three reserves being advertised following the deadline.
The Races will take place BEFORE the official PtP Races.
Races 1 & 2: NOVICE RIDER Races.
For qualified Riders who at the start of the season haven’t WON an OPENPoint-to-Point or an OPENPony Club Race, a “NOVICE RIDER” (Point-to-Point) race noran INTERMEDIATE Race and who have never taken part in the Racecourse series.
For qualified Ponies which haven’t WON or been placed second in any OPEN Point-to-Point, OPEN Pony Club or OPEN Racecourse race since 1st January 2020. Combinations must have qualified as per the PRA Regulations.
Any combination winning two of these races won’t be eligible to run in another qualifying race until the Championship Finals on Wednesday, 1st June at the Meynell & South Staffordshire PtP.